22185094_SWant to be a better driver? Take a look at the three most common types of at-fault auto claims. These are claims in which the driver is to blame for the accident. This list, compiled by Claims Journal magazine, is a great guide to what NOT to do while you’re on the road: Out-of-lane collisions. Out-of-lane collisions are the No. 1 at-fault auto claim. That’s when you try to change lanes at the same time another vehicle is trying to do the same thing and the two cars collide. Most often, they are caused by drivers paying attention more to what’s going on inside their car than what is happening on the road. Looking in the back seat, fiddling with your car’s stereo, calling someone on your cell phone, eating, having an argument with a passenger, all can take your attention away from safe driving. ‘Inattention’ is the leading cause of out-of-lane collisions, according to industry data. Single-vehicle collisions. The second most common at-fault accident is a single-vehicle collision. That’s when a driver skids off the road or out of their lane and collides with a fence, tree, house or anything other than another car. The top reason for these types of accidents is driving too fast for weather conditions. You’ll want to drive more slowly during snowy, icy and rainy weather. Many drivers don’t. Rear-end collisions. Rear-end collisions are the third most common at-fault accidents, and these types of crashes are often caused by tailgating, or driving too close behind another vehicle. Under normal driving conditions, it’s recommended drivers should maintain at least one car length back for every 10 miles of driving speed. So, if someone is driving 50 miles per hour, keep at least five car lengths behind. When the weather is bad, you’ll want to maintain even more space between you and other drivers.