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What is a Recall on a Car?

You have probably heard about car recalls in the news. If a recall doesn’t involve your car, you probably move on without thinking much more about it. But what if your car is the subject of the recall? We’ve listed a few key facts about car recalls here. Feel free to contact the friendly team at Cascade Collision if you have any questions.

First of all, exactly what is a recall on a car? A recall is issued when a safety problem has been detected that is common to a specific vehicle model. The recall can be issued by the car manufacturer or by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

How Do You Know if There Is a Recall on Your Car?

Manufacturers are required by law to send a letter to anyone who owns a vehicle subject to a recall. If you hear about a recall and have not received a notice, you can check the NHTSA website to get details on current recalls.

What Does a Recall Letter Tell You?

A recall letter informs car owners of the specific safety issue, what part of the vehicle it involves, and what car owners need to do to get the issue rectified. The notice will usually offer detailed instructions regarding where they can get the issue repaired and how to make the arrangements. The letter will typically list a time period for getting the repairs done.

Do You Have to Pay for Recall Repairs?

It is important to know that repairs for a safety recall do not cost the car owner anything. If your vehicle is subject to a recall, make sure you follow the instructions and get the repairs done at a location included in the recall letter. This is typically a nearby car dealership.

If you have any questions about what a recall on a car is, or other auto body issues, please contact Cascade Collision.