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How to Have a Fun but Safe New Year’s

New Year’s Eve is one of the most fun holidays of the year. It’s a chance to celebrate with friends, reflect on the year that has passed, and make plans and goals for the future. New Year’s can also be one of the most dangerous holidays since a lot of celebrations include alcohol and traveling to parties.

You can follow a few simple steps to ensure you have a safe New Year’s celebration. The key is to plan ahead so you have a good time and help make sure everyone gets home safely.

Make Driving Arrangements in Advance

Alcohol impairs a person’s judgment. That is a fact. You don’t want to leave potential life and death decisions like how to get yourself home safely to a time when you might not be thinking clearly. The best time to plan for New Year’s Eve driving safety is before the party even starts.

Make arrangements for travel. Either decide who will be the designated driver, or arrange to take a ride share or cab. Just make sure no one in your group drives under the influence of alcohol.

If you are a guest, make your own driving arrangements. If you are the host, remind each of your guests to do so in advance. Once the party begins, keep an eye on the others to make sure no one drives when they shouldn’t.

Have Plenty of Food and Water

Even with safe driving arrangements in place, it’s a good idea to still be aware of the effects of alcohol. Make sure you and your friends have plenty of food and water throughout the night.

Consider Staying In

Probably the most effective way to have a safe New Year’s Eve is to stay at home. You can choose to celebrate with just your household, or you can have your guests stay over in a guestroom or on the couch. This will prevent any of your party from driving after drinking, and it will keep them away from others who might be driving under the influence.

Have a great New Year! If you do experience a fender bender and need a reliable body shop to straighten things out, trust the experts at Cascade Collision. Be safe out there!