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Traveling for the Holidays? Here are Our Travel Safety Tips

Traveling for the holidays gives you the opportunity to visit loved ones and celebrate the season together. It also puts you on the road during one of the busiest and most dangerous times of the year when it comes to driving. Not to worry! These holiday travel safety tips will help you get to your festive destination in one piece.

Make Sure Your Car is Ready to Go

If you are hitting the road this holiday season, make sure your vehicle is ready for the drive. Check all of the fluids to ensure they are properly topped off. If you can, check the belts as well. If not, it’s a good idea to take your vehicle in for an oil change and checkup before you head out. And, if there are any issues with the exterior of your car, let the experts at Cascade Collision take care of it for you!

When inspecting the exterior of your car, take a good look at the lights and wipers to make sure they are all working. A very important holiday safety topic to consider is your tires. You’ll want to make sure the tread is not too worn for potentially slippery winter roads.

Plan Your Trip Carefully

This holiday travel safety tip can save you a lot of time. Map out your trip carefully, especially if you are heading somewhere you haven’t been before. Even if you are making the same drive you make every year, take time to check out the roads for any construction or other issues that you should know about in advance.

When planning your trip, map out some convenient stopping places. This is especially important if you are taking a long holiday road trip. Stopping every two hours or hundred miles will help keep you fresh and safe for the drive.

Keep Your Valuables Secure

Keep valuables secure is especially important if you are making stops along the way. If you are driving with gifts or other valuables this holiday season, keep them out of sight in the trunk or storage area of your car. Also, keep your vehicle locked during stops.

Holiday road trips end with fun festivities. Keep these holiday travel safety tips in mind for a smoother holiday drive. Check out more information on our Cascade Collision blog or contact us for a quote today!